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Divergent book to movie differences

      If people in the world are divided into four groups: Abnegation, Candor, Amity, and Dauntless, which group do you want to be in?  This is the story depicted in Divergent, in the futuristic Chicago, where the population has been divided into five factions based on human virtue. Tris, the main character, finds herself belonging to none of the four groups, which is referred to as being “divergent” in the story setting. As you continue the story, you can witness these adolescent characters turning into adulthood, discovering their true identities, and finding a way to fit into the society. The adventure Tris had in the story dealing with the plot brewing in this seemingly perfect society had been awesomely turned into movies. Despite being adapted from the novel, the movie still has some differences from its literary counterpart.

      The first difference is the amount of people who safely arrived at the Dauntless compound. In the movie version, all new members arrive there successfully; however, according to the book version there are supposed to be 3 people who don’t make it. One didn’t make it to the train, another didn’t  jump off the train, and the other fell into the gap between the train and the building. Although these details were left out in the movie, the movie version still vividly depicts how terrified and dangerous it is for Dauntless to get on and get off the train while it is still moving with the frame of the train running through the tall buildings This also perfectly interpret why they belong to Dauntless.

      The second difference between the two versions of the story is the height of Tris and Christina, who is Tris' best friend. In the movie, Christina was actually shorter than Tris, which is the opposite of their portrayal in the book. It was stated that their height is important because when they get to the scene where they are playing a game of grabbing the flag with paintballs, Christina is supposed to use that as a reason why she gets the flag rather than Tris, which causes some issues between them afterwards (Bell, 2014). However, in the movie, both of them shared the flag happily and the conflict thus did not occur. Despite the movie omitting the fight between them and the actresses’ heights not quite matching the book, the overall portrayal of them taking care of each other and having each other’s back throughout the entire tough training highlights the close bond they formed even without the specific issues mentioned in the book version.

       The final difference was the role Four played at the end of the battle. In the book, it is a person named Four, Tris’ boyfriend, who is actually controlling everything because of serum from the Erudite, however, in the movie, while Four is also under their control, there are still many Erudites present, with Four serving as an additional bodyguard. In contrast to the book, Four is the one who is totally in charge of the situation, he is only an extra bodyguard  in case somebody gets past all the other bodyguards in the movie. These subtle changes had been considered as an awesome adaptation. The reason is, even though Four had been injected with the serum and was controlled by the Erudite, having your enemy taking all over the place is sort of too risky, so a lot more audience prefer the way the movie makes him only as a bodyguard instead.

      In conclusion, the number of people who safely arrived at the Dauntless compound, the fact that Tris is actually shorter than Christina in the movie and having Four only as an extra bodyguard are the three main differences between the book and the movie. [U1] It was a great book that translates into a remarkable movie, nicely filmed and well performed. When it ends, the feeling of being dauntless and the adrenaline rushes in your blood will be the best feeling you could ever get when finishing the story !


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